Friday, February 17, 2006
MEET THE NEW BOSS...SAME AS THE OLD BOSS - Boston Red Sox: So who can we blame? Theo not alone in '06 - Boston Red Sox: So who can we blame? Theo not alone in '06

Hey Man, I may need to borrow that suit...
Theo is the same Senior VP and General Manager that threw the Red Sox future into chaos by making the shocking decison to run away from conflict in a gorilla suit, trading responsibility for the role Pearl Jam groupie/beach bum overseas during the most important part of the baseball season-The hot stove/winter meetings have shaped this club, for better or worse, for 2006 and beyond. So, who can we blame? The answer is clear: Theo, and the 500 pound gorilla that is Larry Lucchino. John Henry, as the Managing General Partner, you deserve a splash of blame (Or credit if things end up highly successful, which, by the way, is a very good possibility), but you were just Henry being Henry-Hands off all the way.
-Red Sox Hub
-Red Sox Hub