Sunday, January 29, 2006
Greed $ox Take Away Friday Night Baseball From The Little Guy
Red Sox Media Mogul Tom Werner Says:
Red Sox Media Mogul Tom Werner Says:
"Let them eat cake."
Tom Werner continues to erode the Red Sox brand
"Reminded that this decision might have a significant impact in minority communities, Werner said, ''We have outreach programs. We want to bring more Hispanics and African-Americans to Fenway Park. And remember, there are still a handful of [Fox] games over the air.'
NESN started broadcasting the Red Sox in 1984, gradually increasing the number of games each year. Now the message is clear: You want to watch the Red Sox on television, you have to pay.
''I don't want you to portray me as insensitive,' Werner continued. ''I am sensitive. But this is a business decision. And in our desire to remain competitive, we support Sean's decision. We think it's the right thing to do. We'll review the decision in a few years and see if it makes sense.'"
This move sounds worse than a Roseanne Barr National Anthem...At least in that case, fans of all walk of life were equally offended.These guys are eroding the Red Sox brand, one move at a time. One has to look at their debt load-an estimated $500 million from purchasing the team-and question their motives. Maybe they should just auction off another 2004 lineup card...
-Red Sox Out Of Towner-Hollywood Owners Hub