Friday, November 18, 2005
I Can Still Smell The Hot Dogs Coming Through The Radio
Andelman Swipes Back At Ordway-Sox Owners, And Of Course Larry Lucchino:
"Eddie's epilogue
Eddie Andelman broadcast his final AM 1510 program from the Soldiers Home, Rt. 16 in Chelsea, Thursday from noon to 3 p.m. Fittingly, Andelman used his last day on the 1510 airwaves to help others. Governor Mitt Romney was be a guest as Andelman raised money for the Soldiers Home.
Former 'Diehards' Anthony Pepe and Jon Anik sat in with Andelman. No phone calls were taken on the show, and Andelman encouraged people to come to the remote broadcast and contribute anything from monetary donations to phone cards, hats, t-shirts and books for the soldiers.
'This is the last stop in a series of veterans' homes,' says Andelman. 'We've already gone to Bedford, West Roxbury and Jamaica Plain. These guys are the real heroes, not Manny Ramirez. I was never able to serve my country, so this is my way of doing that. The world has gone crazy with athletes as role models. Athletes don't even like the fans. These veterans don't have money to make phone calls or enough clothes. How does this happen? It's a national disgrace.'
Andelman is candid in discussing his time at AM 1510, 'The Zone was good to me. I left WEEI over moral issues. There is room in Boston for two or three sports stations, but AM 1510 never had a good morning show and you can't have a station without that. I am going to use all my contacts to help the Zone guys get other jobs.'
Former 'Diehard' Ryen Russillo, who had a couple of on-air run-ins with Andelman, is included in the veteran radio host's good will. He states, 'If our conversations came across as anything more than debate, I am sorry. Ryen is the hardest-working guy I've ever been around. He does more pre-show work than anyone I've met in the business. He's tremendous.'
Andelman says he told AM 1510 last..."