Friday, October 07, 2005
Selfish Sox Smoked
Damon, Millar, Mueller, Graffanino, Olerud...and Theo are now free agents...Unfortunately, Error Renteria and Matt "Cement Shoes" are still Red Sox property...Lawyer Larry needs to lighten up and give prodigee Epstein fair value...close a deal before the 11th hour just once, you pimple on "Soxciety's" Ass...
Orson Wells and Bloody Schill are another year older, and the Sox rotation is one day closer to death...
Pap Smears the A.L. and is the brightside of the sweep...
In Poetic Injustice, Error Renteria Ends Back To Back Red Sox Seasons
"The defending World Series champion Red Sox screwed up, in the worst of ways, when they couldn't squeak across a run with the bases loaded and no one out in the bottom of the sixth inning.
But you know what hurt them almost as bad? The only way to rebound from a disaster like the one the Red Sox inflicted upon themselves is to keep the pressure on. And the Sox had every chance, with their Nos. 2, 3 and 4 hitters coming up in the seventh inning, to do that. Instead of starting a new rally, though, Edgar Renteria struck out on five pitches (after getting ahead of White Sox reliever Orlando Hernandez, 2-0), designated hitter David Ortiz followed with a strikeout on three straight pitches (going down swinging at an 89 mph fastball) and cleanup hitter Manny Ramirez grounded out to first base.
So, after botching a chance to at least tie the score in the sixth, the Red Sox came up in the seventh and went down 1-2-3 on a total of 14 pitches. What a way to go."