Friday, October 28, 2005

This is the ongoing story of Lucky Lucchino And The Red Sox-Boston Globe-John Henry-New York Times-Boston Red Sox Mafia
Boston Red Sox HUB: Smear campaign stinks
"In the interest of disclosure, let us rewind for a moment. In the last few days, most recently in the Globe (which has more invested in the Red Sox than anyone but John Henry), it has been reported that Epstein rejected the Sox' latest contract offer, though the sides continue to talk and are expected to have some resolution in the next day or so. The latest proposal was for three years at $1.2 million per, which is the kind of information that comes out when real negotiations have given way to mud-slinging and damage control."

"All of that brings us back to the Red Sox, Epstein and Lucchino, the latter of whom's behavior is growing astonishingly predictable. When the Red Sox failed in the Alex Rodriguez negotiations – and thank goodness for that – Lucchino blamed the players' union. When the Red Sox traded Nomar Garciaparra, members of the Red Sox (guesses, anyone?) leaked information to make the shortstop out to be the villain. And now, in the worst transgression of all, Red Sox management is smearing one of its own in the most sacrosanct negotiation, one that should have been conducted exclusively within the gilded walls of the front office at 4 Yawkey Way."
"No matter the ownership, in the often petty and sometimes tactless history of the Red Sox, this is a new low."

"Lucky Lucchino": The Red Sox Stiff