Sunday, March 13, 2005
More of Giambi's enlightening 2001 interview while with Oakland:
ESPN: Which superpower would you want most: the strength of 100 men, the ability to fly, turn invisible or shoot fire out your rear end?
Giambi: I think I can already do the last one. Probably the strength of 100 men.
ESPN: You're about the first one to say that. Almost everyone else picks invisible.
Giambi: No, strength is more practical. It would be such an advantage in this game.
ESPN: Which superpower would you want most: the strength of 100 men, the ability to fly, turn invisible or shoot fire out your rear end?
Giambi: I think I can already do the last one. Probably the strength of 100 men.
ESPN: You're about the first one to say that. Almost everyone else picks invisible.
Giambi: No, strength is more practical. It would be such an advantage in this game.
Also: FBI informant says that Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson unwittingly introduced steroid expertise into the Oakland A's Clubhouse in 1988
-NY Newsday